This book will equip you with skills that will enable you land a good job quickly. You see, according to many interviewers, most candidates do not get the job because they lacked the skills to interview successfully. If you ask many employers on the other hand, they will tell you that they have jobs to fill but have not found a suitable person for the job. Some argue that it is because most candidates do not bother to find out what the employer is looking for and therefore do not take time to prepare.
This book contains excerpts from my main Job Search Guide Book: 27 Things you Must Do to Get and Keep your Dream Job which is a result of the knowledge I acquired during my employment journey, as well as an employer that I am now. I have sat in many interview panels and most of the time I wished the interviewee had made an extra effort to prepare for the interview. In addition, I have included valuable input given to me by professionals and recruiters that I consulted for the material in this book. In other words, this book has been drawn from many fine sources and I have added my own insight.
Tips on job search, interview answers & questions and interview blunders to avoid.
Have you recently graduated from college? Are you about to graduate? If the answer is “Yes” to both of these questions, then that means you are about to embark on a job search mission or you may have already started on one.
I have written this book with the sole purpose of equipping you with skills that will enable you to land a good job quickly.
This book will take you through the various aspects of a successful job search campaign and will show you how to demonstrate, that in addition to fulfilling the basic requirements for entry level jobs, there are some special attributes you possess that deserve extra consideration. I will show you how to do this and more, all you need to do is grab a copy of the book.
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